Woodward Avenue getting $5.5 million makeover beginning in September

Posted on August 25, 2017

A portion of Woodward Avenue seeing an increase in daily traffic volumes will soon be undergoing $5.5 million worth of repairs.

The project, being conducted in two phases, will take place on Woodward between 14 Mile and Big Beaver roads in Birmingham. Phase one will begin in September and phase two will begin in April 2018.

“This project is essentially putting a band aid over the worst areas in an effort to redo the surface to improve ride quality until funding for bigger project becomes available,” said Diane Cross, Michigan Department of Transportation communication director, metro region.

Cross said this portion of Woodward is one of the main detour routes for the $1.3 billion I-75 Modernization Project, which is being conducted through the year 2034. Phase one in Oakland Countybegan last year.

“The goal of this project is to improve the condition to prepare for the increase in traffic,” said Cross.

Daily traffic volumes on this stretch of roadway is 55,000 to 65,000 vehicles per day.

A public hearing is being held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 29, at the Baldwin Public Library, 300 W. Merrill Street, in Birmingham


• Replacement of asphalt

• Sidewalk ramps improvements

• Concrete repairs

• Minor drainage improvements

• Signal modernization at Oak Avenue


• September through October 2017

• No exact start date yet

• Concrete patching performed on weekends.

• Saw cutting will be done on Friday nights to remove the concrete areas needing repair


• April through August 2018

• Roadway paving and sidewalk work, which will include wider crosswalks

• Additional crosswalks and pedestrian signals will also be done


• During phase one, traffic will be affected on the weekends. Cross said MDOT will “do its best” to not conduct work on weekdays.

• During phase two, work will be done at night under single lane closures along Woodward